Good Morning dear readers.Please find the report of this year’s reunion, kindly provided by our Chairman Mike Pond. Who made all the arrangements and hosted the event for us. Thanks Mike.Twelve members of the 82nd Entry and our ladies, descended upon The Caley Hall Hotel, Old Hunstanton, Norfolk, for our 37th annual reunion and the fourth year in succession at the venue. Early arrivals on the 13th May were joined by the main body on Tuesday the 14th. It was great to welcome again Sid Siddon, Pete Sage and John Humphries (all the way from New Zealand), all whom we had not seen for some time. Unfortunately, three members including Bill Boyd, Maurice Conybear and Richard White and their ladies had to cancel for health related reasons.We enjoyed a fine and relaxed buffet supper on the first evening followed by, as one might imagine, lots of chat and reminiscing in the lounge bar. The AGM was held at 17.00 hrs on Wednesday 15th with a welcome from the Chairman and apologies from members unable to attend. Reports were received from “Rip” Kirby regarding the website management and from Mike Pond as to the current finances with the entry fund standing at circa £400.00.The three course gala dinner followed on the same evening with a toast to absent friends, including Martin Harvey who took his last posting soon after our last reunion. Sadly, his wife Maggie has also recently passed away. A raffle, with many attractive donated prizes, raised £120.00 towards entry funds. Then to the lounge bar again for continuing stories but, it is evident that, at a “mature stage” of our lives, such stories no longer extend into the “wee small hours”, as in the past!!Although overall, the weather was not as kind to us as in the past; members visited many of the nearby local attractions. On the morning of the 16th, after a hearty breakfast, farewells were exchanged and most departed in various directions after another well enjoyed get together. The 2025 Reunion will be held at the same venue on 13/14th May and package costs will be circulated to members in due course. NOTE THE DATE!!The gathering before dinner.